Sunday, June 15, 2008

Understanding of reality

The social constructivism

Social constructivism is a sociological and psychological theory of knowledge that considers how social phenomena develop in particular social contexts.Every time that what we see and hear we may called it constructivism of reality. What we see and hear we doesn't make sure that's true or false. We grant it as a true. Moreover, media is a main source to make the history interested. Media can make a history true and false. A man who doesn't know where is Vatican city, what is the population of there, he is interested but not more. However, when a media make a history or film of Vatican City than he is more excited to know about that, because he doesn't know anything about Vatican city.
The film 'Wag the Dog',what we saw in this film? A sitting president is hit by a sex scandal.It's very shameful for him as a political leader. He thought that the best way to get the public's mind off the firefly girl is to give them something bigger to think about. For changing the story he decides to manufacture a war against Albania.why Albania?Because the United States people doesn't know anything about the country. As a result public mind was setup on Albania.They forgot about the scandal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent post.
